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Tickets, tasks & to-dos

With the "Tickets, Tasks & ToDos!" module, both employees and customers can create and manage "tickets", i.e. customers can, for example, enter change requests and forward them to the responsible group of people, who will then process them.

Use the ticket system:

  • as "ToDo lists" for internal task distribution

  • as "trouble tickets"

  • as "support tickets"

You have the additional menu items:

  • Projects > Tickets

    • Here you will find all tickets that have been recorded in ZEP.

  • My ZEP > Tickets

    • Here you will find all tickets for which you are the processor or which do not yet have a processor.

  • And within a project the submenu item Tickets

    • Here you will find all tickets for the selected project.

A project time can be recorded directly on each ticket. Each ticket goes through several status transitions (new, in progress, finished, rejected / accepted).

An employee can create tickets for every project he is working on and manage them in a workflow or record times on them. The times recorded on tickets can also be listed in various reports.

You can set up access to the ZEP ticket system for your customers: A login name and password can be set for each customer contact person, which the contact person can use to log into the system. The customer can then create tickets for the projects assigned to them and view, add to and accept tickets for these projects. Alternatively, you can also grant your customers only "read rights".