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Employees > Administration

Every ZEP user can select the Employees menu item.

If you are an administrator, department head or controller and click on the menu item Employees , you will automatically be taken to the submenu item Employees > Administration . Here you can select a specific employee and edit or evaluate them.

By default, only employees whose employment periods overlap with the current month are displayed. If you set the termination date of an employee, the employee will automatically disappear from your employee table over time. However, if you want to carry out evaluations on the employee, you can set the evaluation period accordingly.

In employee-oriented evaluations, employees are always offered for selection during the evaluation period set. This means that you always see the employees whose employment period overlaps with the evaluation period.

A department manager can only create new employees for "his" department(s) (each with a maximum of the authorization "User with additional rights") and change the data of these employees. He cannot see employees from other departments or create new ones.

A controller only has read rights for employees, i.e. he can view the cover sheet for all employees and evaluate the employees.

As an administrator and as a department head, you can create a new employee using the + New Employees button.